Tuesday, February 16, 2010

V is for Vegetables

You guessed it, the letter of the week this week is V. Really, the only fun thing I could think of that started with V was vegetables. Layla loves vegetables, especially weird things like broccoli. What almost 4 year old in their right mind likes broccoli? I'm not complaining, she is such an awesome eater. So we started off the day with a corn search. I filled a bowl up with corn kernels and then hid the 26 letters in it for Layla to find. Every time she found a letter she would have to tell me what letter it was and what sound the letter made. She is so interested in letters right now that this was her favorite part. She loves pointing out letters to me and telling me what they say. She has also been saying a word, like grape or tomorrow, and then sounding out the first letter of the word and telling me what it is.

After that it was time to make our corn guys. I had already cut out the corn and glued them on a stick, it was her turn to glue the kernels on to make our corn guys complete.

And for our last activity, vegetable painting! I had squash, broccoli, carrots, etc. that Layla dipped in paint and painted a picture with. She had fun and although it was a mess, her artwork turned out just lovely.

After that it was lunch time! I made a vegetable plate with a side of ranch for her appetizer (the main course was fish and chips, totally not a letter V dish). Her favorite was the carrots with the tops still attached, she thought it was so funny.