Monday, February 1, 2010

Birthday weekend

This weekend we were very busy but had a ton of fun. We had two birthday parties to go to, Brooke's son Brandon turned 4 and Jeanie's daughter Rylee also turned 4. Brooke, Jeanie and I were all pregnant at the same time so it was nice to have all 3 kids around each other. It brought back memories to when we would talk all the time, over 4 years ago. My good friends Nicholle and Erica also came down for the weekend and it was so good to see them, they live out of town so I don't get to see them too often. Layla loved being around all the kids but I think her new bff is Nicholle's daughter, Rylee. They had so much fun together, running around the bowling alley and stealing all the lanes. Sunday night, Layla knocked out early, she was beat from all the fun we had this weekend. :)

1 comment:

Erin@The Phillips Fam said...

You & Layla are both so gorgeous!