Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Bee Movie.

The other day Layla was sick so I called Ed and told him to run out and get Layla something to make her feel better. He came home with the Bee Movie. This is such a cute movie, I really enjoyed watching it with her and she really liked it too. However, now that we've seen this movie she thinks that bumble bees are nice and friendly. We were outside yesterday and I hear Layla saying "bumble bee, where are you?" I told her that bees aren't nice and that they can hurt us but she didn't want to listen. She looked at me and said "Ohhhhh" and then two seconds later I see her looking around and saying "bumble bee, where are you?" again. She cracks me up! :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Prin prin bike!"

Layla has been wanting a bike for a long time now but the PX never has any good tricycles so I had to order one online for her. I let her pick out which one she wanted since she has been doing such an amazing job with potty training (she trained herself in 4 days!). She, of course, picked out a Disney Princess tricycle and now whenever Ed or I is on the computer she runs up to us and says "Prin prin bike!" Now, I'm not sure if she thinks she is only getting the bike on the computer (like looking at the picture) or if she understands that it's coming in the mail (which I have to explain to her 50 million times a day). Ed and I finally got so tired of having to google her bike to show her that it is now our desktop picture on the laptop. Every time I see it, it makes me smile and I can hear Layla saying "Prin prin bike" in my head (well, half the time she is actually IN my ear saying it to me). The mail has been taking forever to get here lately (like 2 months for a small package) so who knows when it'll come. I'm afraid that summer will be over by the time it gets here, cross your fingers it doesn't take that long, for Ed and I's sake.

Layla funny!


Layla yelling from the other room: "I'm okay, Mom!"
Me: "You're okay, Layla?"
Layla: "Ya, I'm okay, Mom. I fall."
Which leaves me laughing hysterically.