Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin carving day 2.

Today we finished carving our last two pumpkins. As soon as Ed asked me to get him a spoon Layla yelled "GET MY PRINCESS SPOON TOO, MOM!!!!" So there is Ed using a regular spoon, and then there is Layla using a Princess toddler spoon. It was so funny! After that though, she wasn't as interested in them today as she was yesterday. Ed was half way done cutting through the last pumpkin and here comes Layla with her broom and my dustpan. She was cleaning up Ed's mess, she kept saying "ok, time to clean up!" I think she is taking after me! :)


Hutchison Family Party of 4 said...

They came out so good!!

Nicholle said...

So cute michelle! My kids had such a blast this year and im sure Layla did too :)