Saturday, September 20, 2008

Okay, we'll buy more today!

It's no secret that Layla is spoiled rotten, she gets whatever she wants, whenever she wants it. So her new thing is, when something is broken or gone she just tells me, "ok, we'll go buy more today!" and expects me to drop whatever I'm doing to go to the store so we can get more of whatever it is. This morning it was chocolate milk.
Layla grunting and trying to open the fridge.
Me: "I'll open it, Layla."
Layla: "I want chocolate milk."
Me: "Layla, we don't have anymore chocolate milk. It's all gone."
Layla: "Please, Mama?"
Me: "Layla, it is impossible for me to give you chocolate milk right now. We don't have any!"
Layla: "Ohhhh, ok. We'll go buy more today!" And then she trots off to do something else.

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