Monday, December 13, 2010

Exploring Denver

Wow, what a great day we had! We headed to Denver early this morning to check out 16th Street Mall and Skyline Park for some ice skating. Denver is only about an hour away from us, depending on traffic, and there is just so much to do up there. The next Denver trip I want to take is to go to the Aquarium out there, I hear it's a really good one. Anyway, we followed the Achees up to Denver and got there around 11:30am where we headed up to 16th Street Mall to look around. First, let me just say what amazing weather we're having this winter. When we first moved here, everyone that lives here kept telling us "oh, just wait until winter, you're not going to know what to do!" Well, we've been through a few Germany winters and have been able to deal with those so I think we can get through a Colorado winter or two, especially when the winters are 60 degrees! That's right, the high yesterday was 67 degrees, that's like a California winter. I can totally do 67 degrees! We had the kids all bundled up but when we got out of the car and started walking around, all their jackets came off. It was even too warm to wear a jacket! We definitely picked the perfect day to walk around Denver, it was just beautiful. Secondly, 16th Street Mall reminded me of Germany so much, specifically Mainz. It was this gorgeous outdoor mall with entertainers in the middle of the street, random, tiny food carts every where, buses/shuttles coming and going, tons and tons of stores, and beautiful Christmas decorations every where. I was actually telling Margaux how it reminded me of Germany and 5 minutes later I hear Ed telling Bryan the same exact thing. At the very end of the mall was the capitol building. I'm so glad Margaux is like me and likes to explore this kind of stuff. Bryan and Ed have no choice when we gang up on them! LOL... To get through to the capitol building we had to walk through a bus station (or so we thought) and as soon as we walked in, we wish we hadn't. There were homeless people everywhere and well, it was exactly what you think of when you hear the words bus station in Denver. The guys all had to use the restroom and they all came out cracking up! Apparently there were no doors on the bathrooms and as soon as they walked in, they saw a homeless man sitting on one of the toilets, pushing pretty hard. Not only that, but there was another homeless man in there grunting and making all kinds of weird noises. I think that was a highlight of their trip. LOL

To the Capitol building we go! The main reason for our stop was to take a picture on the "mile high" step in front of the capitol. I had actually never heard of this before so Margaux had to fill me in. From Wikipedia "The official elevation of Denver is measured outside the west entrance to the building, where the fifteenth step is engraved with the words "One Mile Above Sea Level." From this step, at 5,280 feet (1,609 m), the sun can be seen setting behind the Rocky Mountains." After our photography session on the mile high steps, we headed inside. I always love going and exploring this kind of stuff, the building was just beautiful. We spent quite awhile in there, going to each level and looking around. Ed found a neat phone booth where everyone had to take pictures in, of course. It was a lot of fun! Next up we headed to Skyline Park for some outdoor ice skating. Everyone went and got their skates and I decided to sit this one out and be the photographer. I have only been ice skating once, when I was really young, when there was an ice skating rink in the Palm Desert mall. Needless to say, I have NO idea how to ice skate. Actually, neither does Ed but I made him go with Layla anyway. Margaux and Bryan (and their kiddos!) were naturals on the ice and my two, well, let's just say they held on to the side the entire time. Layla had a BLAST though. I thought she would get on the ice, get scared, and get off, but that's not what happened. She did get scared as soon as she got on but she loved holding on to the edge and skating around like that. Margaux and Bryan took her out into the middle a few times too and really enjoyed it. I was just proud of her for staying in the rink the entire time we were there and she has been telling me ever since that she wants to do it again. After watching everyone else ice skate while I drank my hot apple cider (YUM!) I decided that I really should try it. I need to be able to say I went ice skating in Denver, ya know? As soon as I put my ice skates on and stood up, I knew this was going to be a disaster. I couldn't even balance on the darn things while I was outside of the rink! How was I going to ICE skate? Nope, no ice skating for me, it was more like "holding onto the railing for dear life" skating. Ed actually got brave and started skating around without holding on but as soon as he got good, I accidentally (yes, accidentally, I swear I didn't mean to) threw one of those things you hold onto when you're learning how to skate right in front of him. He recovered though and teased me about it the rest of the day. Apparently that was the "pivotal moment in his skating career" and I ruined it so he'll never be a hockey player now. We skated for about 2 hours and then went to pick up Bryan's brother, CJ, for dinner. He was in Denver for business so it worked out perfect. We went to this place called Jack n' Grill and it was so yummy! I made Ed get the "You better be hungry" burger so I could take a picture of him and this huge burger. And if you watch Man vs. Food like we do, you will remember the giant 7 lb. breakfast burrito that he attempted to eat, well this was the place he ate it at. I thought that was cool and wanted Ed to do that but he wouldn't! Boo! Layla and I shared Chimichangas and they were soooo yummy. After dinner it was time to head home. We had such a great day! I knew as soon as we got in the car Layla would knock out, and she did. She was such a tired little thing. I was surprised Ed didn't fall asleep too, that's the most he's been out since he got his surgery so I wasn't sure how he'd do but he stayed awake with me the whole way home. Denver was definitely a great place to visit, we had a great time!

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