Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Chuck E. Cheese Celebration

Nothing can even compare to Layla's birthday party last year, so why even try? This year since we weren't in California with all of our friends and family we decided to just ask her what she wanted to do for her birthday. We gave her some ideas but ultimately she decided on Chuck E. Cheese and was so excited to go for the last month. Every time we would drive past it she would get all excited and say "I'm going there for my birthday!" Well today was finally the day. We decided to head out on Sunday morning, as soon as it opened to avoid the rush and madness that occurs later in the afternoon. We had such a great time, as usual. I don't even want to say how much money was spent on tokens, it was a little ridiculous but it was our baby's 5th birthday so we had to go all out. Plus, we decided the money being spent today was nothing compared to last year so that made us give in more than we would have.

The Achee's met us there to help Layla celebrate her birthday too, we're very lucky to have such great friends here, Layla was so excited when she saw them walk in. We spent a couple hours at Chuck E. Cheese, playing games and eating pizza. By that time, more and more people were starting to come and we were running out of tokens so it was time to leave. The birthday girl had almost 2,000 tickets to spend so we were at the prize counter for what seemed like forever trying to pick out junky toys. She wanted to spend all her tickets on 50 and 100 ticket items but I talked her into getting a bigger prize first before she started with the little things. Thank goodness she agreed, it saved us lots of time. While Layla didn't have a huge party like last year's event, we still had a great time (and spent plenty of money). I think her 5th birthday was a success. I still cannot believe my baby girl is 5 years old (going on 12, I swear)! I love you little Princess!


The Songy Clan said...

what a completely adorable outfit that she's wearing! Love the picture of you two together, she is such a lucky girl to have y'all!! xoxo

Ashley said...

Love her outfit! We also went to CEC while in the Springs since we dont have one here. I am glad she had a good time and I can't believe she is 5 already.