Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Our first Colorado snow!

Actually, I think it was more hail than snow. It was like balls of snow, not snow flakes so I'm not really sure what to call it? I think I will just stick to calling it snow, that's easier although I have heard in this area it's not unusual to get golf ball sized hail during the winter. Now that I am looking forward to seeing (inside the house of course, I hope I'm not outdoors when that hits). So according to local Coloradans we're having a very mild winter so far which I am not upset about in the least. You know me and snow, we don't mix very well.

Today we were out and about when it started getting really stormy looking, we got home just in time to snuggle up on the couch and watch some TV before we heard it starting to come down outside. Layla and I ran to the sliding door, looked outside and saw snow (or hail, whatever) coming down hard! Of course we had to go outside and run around in it, what else would we do? After we got back inside and dried off, Layla made a bed in front of the door so she could just lay down and watch the snow. She has always loved the snow, she missed it so much when we were in California. This was the first time since Germany that she had been back in it. Heaven for this little girl!And since I am updating my blog I thought I would update on Layla's latest gymnastics class where she did 2 back flips on the trampoline all by herself! I am amazed by her, she puts her mind to something and she does it. She also remembered and said, loudly, all the names of certain positions, she was the only one in the class saying everything. The teacher told me after class that she is going to excel and advance really quickly so we'll see. I'm so proud of her!

1 comment:

The Songy Clan said...

that is the sweetest thing, her laying down to watch the snow! I can't believe she is already doing so much in gymnastics! That stuff scares me so its amazing to watch others do it!